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PPR exam strategies

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 10
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Joined: 2 years ago

Prior to taking the test, I faced several challenges that put me at a disadvantage. First, I had to reschedule twice due to inclement weather and miscommunication with the testing center. To add to that, in order to avoid missing school, I had to drive three hours to Austin for the test. Despite arriving at the testing site early, I inquired about storage for my purse and was told I could begin the test immediately. However, halfway through, I began to overthink and panic, possibly due to exhaustion from the long drive or excessive studying. This caused me great unease as the questions did not align with what I had studied online. Surprisingly, my results came back after three days and I scored a 280. It seems my strong performance on ELL questions may have positively impacted my score. My advice is not to panic or overthink, get enough rest and try to travel the night before if necessary.
