Is your GPA below 2.50?

If your overall GPA and your last 60 hours GPA both fall below 2.50, it is state law code that you must pass a pre-admission content test (TX PACT exam) to be reviewed for admission into an alternative certification program.

Please do not apply prior to passing your test.  Web-Centric ACP is unable to review low GPA applicants prior to passing scores.

To be considered for admission into Web-Centric ACP, you must

  1. Pass your TX PACT exam in a certification area listed on below link to our website.

Teacher Certifications May be Obtained in the Following Areas:

  • Document one year of prior K-12 experience. (subbing, instructional aide, volunteer work, etc.)


  • Essential Academic Skills (TX PACT 700) covers Core Subjects EC-6 and SPED.
  • All other TX PACT exams correspond to their subject area and grade level.
  • Supplemental areas will not qualify for admission review.

Pearson Website Link:  PACT testing Instructions

  • Registration questions need to be directed to Pearson.
  • Web-Centric ACP cannot help you register for the test. 
  • Preparation manuals can be found on the Pearson website. 

Once you have passing scores:

  • Submit your WCACP online application WCACP Portal
  • Email your admission specialist copies of your score report.
  • Complete GPA criteria form in the WCACP portal showing 1 year of prior K-12 experience.

NOTE: Per state law code, WCACP is only allowed to accept a limited number of applicants each year that have a GPA below 2.5.  Passing scores allow you to be reviewed for admission but they do not guarantee admission. We advise you to study for your exam.  The review committee will take into consideration your overall score and the number attempts to pass. 

Pass Rate
Fully Accredited
Years in Business