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The Freedom Program allows you to set-up recurring monthly payments as low as $50 per month. You can process your entire tuition fee balance using the Freedom Program.

Review the following rules and regulations for the program:
  • You will be considered active in the program and monthly reward points will begin accumulating once your first payment has been processed. The number of reward points earned each month will depend on the plan you selected during the registration process.
  • You must redeem your program reward points prior to recommendation of your standard teaching certificate.
  • You will be subject to a $35 return fee if your debit, credit card, or bank draft monthly payment declines. The return fee will be processed no later than 3 days from notification of a declined transaction.
  • All Freedom Program payments paid to etools4Education, LLC for services rendered through the Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program (WCACP) are non-refundable.
  • Your enrollment in the Freedom Program will be modified if:
    • You Decide To Cancel The Program - You can cancel or modify your monthly payments at any time. However, you must give the program a 3 day notice when canceling the Freedom Program. You can fill out a Freedom Program Change Request form to accomplish this task by clicking on the Freedom Program tab within My WCACP once you are enrolled in the program.
    • Your Tuition Fee is Paid in Full – Once you pay off your tuition fee balance, your enrollment in the Freedom Program will be cancelled.
  • All information submitted for the Freedom Program will remain confidential.
  • Program reward points cannot be converted into cash.
  • You can remain enrolled in the Freedom Program until you pay off your tuition fee for the program.
  • You will need to fill out a Freedom Program Change Request form if you want to modify your monthly payment amount or the monthly draft date. The notification must be received 3 days prior to your scheduled payment date.
  • You have the choice to set-up monthly Freedom Program payments with a debit or credit card. If your card number information changes, please submit a Freedom Program Change Request form to update your payment information. This form can be accessed on the Freedom Progam tab located within My WCACP once you are enrolled in the program.
  • Monthly payments will be tracked on the Invoice tab in the My WCACP portal. Click on Get Payment History to view each individual payment or click on the Freedom Program tab to view rewards applied to your account.

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