Interview Questions - Part 1

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These are only suggested answers to help guide you through difficult questions. Please personalize what you would like to say. Hopefully, this will help!

What is my philosophy of teaching?

My philosophy is to create a safe, nurturing learning environment using techniques that will motivate my students. The learning environment should capture children’s interests and provide collaborative opportunities through learner-centered lessons. Activities should be TEKS-based, and brain-based strategies should be used to enable students to make connections to their learning. Classroom management should consist of rules and procedures that encourage blended techniques for authentic, meaningful tasks. Inquiry-based activities will enable my students to become producers of new knowledge and become masters of higher-level, goal-oriented tasks.

How do I envision my classroom to look?

Safe, warm, inviting such as a lamp, etc.

How do I feel about mainstreaming special ed students?

All children should have equal opportunities in my classroom, with appropriate curriculum modifications.

How would I deal with a child who did not want to participate in the class activities?

Talk/ask questions to draw him/her into participating
Move closer to the student and repeat the above
Talk to him/her privately
Talk to parents/counselors
There is possibly a reason the child is shutting down

What do I think will be the hardest part of my first year of teaching?

Learning the school district policies and following all the local/state/national guidelines. Easiest? Enjoying seeing improvement as my children grow educationally.

What would I do about behavior problems?

I would follow the district/school discipline code of conduct policies. When a child misbehaves it is important to move closer to the student and make eye contact, sometimes just a shake of the head (no) stops the behavior. If that did not work I would try to draw them into the discussion or activity with questions. If that did not work, I would talk privately with them. After that involve parents, counselors, office, etc. - a step at a time. And…. of course, whatever the school discipline policy states will be followed specifically.

Tell me what your lesson plans would say? Look like? Consist of?

TEKS, objectives with assessments that match how it was taught to the children, guided and independent involvement, essential questions, it would reflect critical/creative thinking with levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy addressed, show differentiation for students that need modified curriculum, and follow any other district/school form that is required.

Why become a teacher?

I want to shape the future. or….it is a challenging career change and a way to help children.

Tell me about your alternative certification program.

It is structured by long-time educators that know first-hand how to engage us in learner-centered activities. They will support me through classes and mentoring; and are located in Houston, so they will be available to principals should they be needed. Even though I will be certified in a year to year and a half, they will support me through mentoring and resources for up to three years.

Our textbook is Classroom Instruction that Works Researched-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement by Robert J. Marzano. (The book includes the following research-based strategies: Identifying Similarities and Differences, Summarizing and Note Taking, Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition, Homework and Practice, Nonlinguistic Representations, Cooperative Learning, Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback, Generating and Testing Hypotheses, Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers.

Tell me about yourself?

Talk about your education, interest in teaching, maybe include skills and experience that you would bring to the classroom, etc.


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