Interview Questions - Part 2

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What methods would you use for classroom management?

I have been studying classroom management strategies and methods of Harry Wong and Fred Jones. I have been covering traditional direct teaching methods and learner-centered methods for a well facilitated classroom.

Are parent-teacher conferences important? Why?

The relationship between the classroom teacher and the parents of the children must be a team effort. Informing parents and giving them ways to work with their children through real-world experiences at home is vital.

How would you work with students who perform below grade level, especially those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds or who have little family support?

All children need a safe environment for learning to occur…make sure they have prior knowledge before new concepts are introduced. Continue working with the family for added support before and after school. Be aware of the cultural background that might affect their learning.

Why did you enter the field of teaching?

I love being able to make a difference in a person’s life…and I think helping kids have curiosity, imagination, creativity, and wonder is most important.

What are your career goals five years from now?

I would like to add several certifications like Gifted and Talented, ESL, and Technology Applications so I move into an Instructional Specialist position.

What is your teaching strategy to prepare your students for the TAKS test?

To teach to the TEKS because they are written at a higher process and thinking level. Also I would use the districts practice material that is suitable for my group of children.

Describe your ideal classroom environment.

The children are actively involved in the TEKS-based curriculum…the teacher is facilitating a small reading group while other groups are working at various stations like the technology station, writing station, and listening center.

Why should our school district hire you? What attributes sets you apart from other applicants?

You should hire me because I am a life-long learner that is excited in becoming a master teacher. I have the desire to help children reach their potential. I also bring real-world experiences that will enrich the classroom. I am looking forward to working with a team to promote the best instructional practices that promote learning.

How do you incorporate your teaching philosophy into your daily instruction?

Always thinking how to make my classroom more inviting for active learners. Design units of study that have a real-world connection that would provide the children with an audience and a purpose.

What techniques will you utilize during a lesson to keep your students interested?

I would change activities according to the age level….and I would get the students actively involved in the learning process. Some students are visual, some are auditory, while some are tactile so lessons should have a combinations of the three learning styles.

How would you individualize classroom instruction for students? Students with learning disabilities?

All classrooms need to be differentiated in content delivery….peer tutoring could be helpful. Be aware of the modification that would assist the students with learning disabilities.

How would you challenge the slow learner and the advanced learner within the same class?

I would involve technology because both are digital children….let them work on something of interest and the motivation within will occur.

How would you handle discipline in the classroom?

First of all the students need to know the procedures and routines needed in a learning environment. The children need to be involved with the creation of the classroom rules so they will take ownership.

What would a person see if they were to walk into your classroom during class?

I would display several different teaching styles during the instructional day...some of the time would be direct teaching especially for new concepts, some of the time it would be student centered where they are rotating through stations, and some would be independent work at their seats.

How would you handle a child who will not do his/her work?

Try to determine why this is occurring....and then act accordingly. It is always important to involve the parents early in the year so these types of problems can be address quickly.

Given that you have to teach a topic (such as fractions), how would you proceed with teaching that lesson?

Make sure that the students have the prior knowledge necessary to complete the lesson successfully and then build a progression of the concept. Kids need concrete models that they can get their hands on so connections can be made.

What are your thoughts concerning working with a team to teach your subject matter, and how would you feel about leading that team from time to time?

I would welcome the team approach because the planning process can be a divide and conquer type of situation. If everyone worked on a different station or hands-on activity then the individual teacher would have many different learning activities before entering a new topic of study. I feel I would be able to lead the planning process after learning from the master teachers on the team.

What do you know about "at risk" children?

That they need extra attention...all children can learn so they just need to work with thinking and questioning skills. They should stay in the classroom instead of a pull out program so they can have continuity with the teacher and can participate in peer tutoring.

Would you be willing to tutor before and after school?

Yes, anytime!


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