Resume Basics

The first step in writing an effective resume is to do a self-assessment, which includes your skills, abilities, work experience, education, and awards. Spend some time researching for key words and key phrases to capture the attention of school officials or principals. Once your resume has been developed, have a friend or family member proofread the resume for grammatical mistakes.

Resume Templates

If you are looking for a different look or format for your resume, you might consider using one the resume templates below.

Three Goals of an Effective Resume

Catch the eye: Your resume should catch the reader’s attention even with a brief scan. Don’t get lost in the stack of resumes the principal is searching through – you need to stand out in the crowd!

Sell your skills and strengths: The resume must portray your skills and strengths in a positive light to encourage the principal to want to find out more information about you.

Get the interview: This of course is the most important goal in creating a resume. Without producing an effective resume, your information and hopes for the position will be left in the principal’s stack of papers.

Make sure to use a few of the high dollar education words in your resume. Knowing what to do & not to do on your resume is extremely important to make sure you make a good first impression.