Interview Tips

Each person you interview with will take a different approach to finding the right teacher. You always want to interview with a smile and be extra jovial when answering questions. Principals are always looking for someone that is confident and will be active in the classroom.

            Interview Questions - Part 1    Interview Questions - Part 2        Interview Questions - Part 3

You should ask at least 2-3 intelligent questions at the conclusion of each interview. You will want to memorize several questions to ask during the interview.

You will also want to create an objective/goal and mission prior to an interview. Having something already developed and memorized will help you stay focused during an interview.

Sample Objective /Goal: To engage students with meaningful, content-driven, learner-centered activities that will prepare them for a high-tech global society.

Sample Mission: My mission is to create a learning environment that will enhance student achievement and encourage each child to become a lifelong learner.

Interview Tips:

Proper Dress: Your first impression you make on a principal is extremely important. For a teaching interview, you should dress as if you were attending a church service or a wedding.

Come Prepared: You should research the demographics and programs offered by the school prior to an interview. Citing real world examples tied to local school programs will help you stand out from the crowd. Proper preparation and rehearsing will help you feel more confident during an interview.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Like most things in life, a little practice can go a long way to making the interview a success. Have friends and family members ask hypothetical questions to make sure you are prepared for the upcoming interview. Practice will help you become more acquainted with the type of questions that may be asked during your interview.

Don’t be Late: The last thing you want to do at your interview is to be late. Being punctual will help exhibit maturity and responsiveness to principals. You should always arrive at your interview at least 20 minutes before your scheduled interview.

Self-Talk: Positive thinking and deep breathing before the interview will help you be more confident and relaxed during the interview.

Virtual/Digital Interviews: All of the interview tips above still apply to a virtual or video interview but it’s important to make a few additional preparations.

Test your technology: Test your internet connection, audio, and video well before your interview time. Depending on the reliability of your WiFi, it may be a good idea to connect via an ethernet cable instead if that’s an option.

Familiarize yourself with the interview platform: If you haven’t used the interview platform before, ask a friend to do a run-through with you so you can familiarize yourself with features of the program. Skype, Zoom, and Flipgrid are some common platforms used for virtual interviews.

Choose/prepare your space: It’s important to have a professional background for your interview. Choose a quiet place free of distraction as much as possible. Remove clutter and anything inappropriate. Elevate your camera to eye level and make sure you have adequate lighting for both you and your background. You should check your background before your interview by taking a selfie or a screenshot of what the interviewer will see.

Maintain eye contact with the camera: Look at the camera while you are talking, not the screen.